The beyond evil Oten operates behind a corporate façade of unimaginable power that enables him to keep everyone and everything in the digitalized areas of the world under surveillance.
“Not for the first time Niem Vidalgo Oten was appreciative of the artificial darkness that surrounded him. It was so much easier to keep his minions in line when they didn’t get a chance to read his reactions. And right now his face was a hideous mask of rage fueled by his envy.”
Future chapters in THE JOURNEYS OF JOHN AND JULIA will unveil the scope of Oten’s powers as he comes into direct contact with John and Julia. Little does he know that these two seemingly harmless teens will become his arch-enemies. And it’s a good thing they do, because Oten has the ability to harvest physical, emotional, mental, and psychic energy from humanity. With all that energy at his disposal, he plans to rule the world. It will be up to John and Julia to stop him.
Oten has no boundaries and uses everything and anything to get closer to his goal. He loves the third millennium with its easy access to a big part of humanity through the connectedness modern technology provides. He uses human vulnerabilities that stem from desires, vanity, insecurity, anger, jealousy, and competition for his evil manipulations.